
"Everyone wants happiness.
No one wants pain.
But you can't have a rainbow,
without a little rain."
"Fall seven times.
Stand up eight"
"Legend says when you can't sleep at night,
it's because you're awake in someones dream"
"If you're going to judge me,
make sure you will be perfect for the rest of your life"
"Never apologize for what you feel,
it's like saying 'sorry' for beeing real."
"Sometimes the hardest thing
and the right thing is the same"
"No on ever said life was easy.
There is always someone who will break your heart.
You may be so depressed you just sit in a corner and cry for hours.
But you just have to remember,
Life Goes On"
"Head up,
be strong,
fake a smile,
and move on"
"There is a part of me
hat will be in love with you
for the rest of my life."
"Today wasn't a good day.
But I'm sure tomorrow will be better."
"Sometimes you just gotta accept the fact
hat certain things will never go back to
how they used to be."
"Find arms that will
hold you at your weakest
times, eyes that will see
your beauty at your
ugliest times, and a
heart that will love you
at your worst."
"Have you ever loved somebody
so much it made you cry?"
"Think positivly.
Network well.
Exercise daily.
Eat healthy.
Work hard.
Stay Strong.
Build faith.
Worry less.
Read more.
Be happy.
Volunteer freely.
Relax often.
Love always.
Live forever."


"Fall seven times.
Stand up eight"

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